CCBC-Net Archives

Books: Sept. & Oct.

From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 15:05:00 -0600

September: The Cuckoo's Child by Susan Freeman (Greenwillow, 1996)
     It's possible that we will want to talk later during the month of September about the book Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen
(Delacorte, 1996). Don't panic or become outraged at hearing this on 8/30, because if we do move into talking about Brian's Winter during September, we will also be talking about the popular novel Hatchet by Paulsen (long available in several editions) which many of you have already read and probably do not need to find and reread in order to contribute comments. October: Selected Books illustrated by Jerry Pinkney
     Especially 1) John Henry - retold by Julius Lester (Dial, 1995); 2) Minty - written by Alan Schroeder (Dial, 1996); 3) Sam and the Tigers - retold by Julius Lester (Dial, 1996); 4) Pretend You're a Cat - written by Jean Marzollo (Dial, 1990); 5) Half a Moon and One Whole Star - written by Crescent Dragonwagon
(Macmillan, 1986); 6) Home Place - written by Crescent Dragonwagon (Macmillan, 1990); 7) The Patchwork Quilt - written by Valerie Flournoy (Dial, 1985); and 8) Back Home - written by Gloria Pinkney (Dial, 1992)
     In October, we will begin with the books that were not published during 1996.
     Please do not try to secure all of the excellent books illustrated by Jerry Pinkney for the CCBC-NET discussion, because there are too many! There will be an opportunity during the month for everyone to tell about other books by Jerry Pinkney that you especially enjoy. Enjoy... and let's begin talking about The Cuckoo's Child. Who has read it, and what do you appreciate about this novel? Ginny Moore Kruse (ccbc-net at
Received on Fri 30 Aug 1996 04:05:00 PM CDT