CCBC-Net Archives

one more opinion

From: Susan Daugherty <kdaugherty>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 23:35:27 -0500

I was really enjoying all the different opinions about what the CCBC listserv should be, so I was really surprised that some people found honest discussion of different opinions "divisive." It seems to me that the most important thing that this listserv should be is a place where you can say exactly what you think. I enjoy it and just wish we would get even more discussion from everyone who is out there lurking. (I know you're out there!)

Perhaps more time to find the books would help with that. I know I didn't have time to find and reread Harriet the Spy, and I would have liked to.

Thanks, K.T., for the other listserv addresses. I have been meaning to track them down, but now I don't have to.

Susan Daugherty Librarian Franklin Elementary School Madison, WI 53505
Received on Sun 25 Aug 1996 11:35:27 PM CDT