CCBC-Net Archives


From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 09:49:00 -0600

My apologies to Megan's and my highly valued colleague Kathleen Horning (K.T. Horning) for my omission of K.T.'s name in my reference to CCBC colleagues within the first message I wrote on 8/31. The only reason I could have omitted K.T.'s name was that one of several phone calls that afternoon interrupted my concentration while I was writing that message. I'm sorry, K.T.
     K.T. will be coordinating the September discussion.
     Reflecting on that embarrassing error leads me to mention that K.T., Megan and I write most of our CCBC-NET comments while the CCBC is open for public service, while we are apt to be interrupted in one way or another concerning other aspects of our responsibilities here. I say this not only to offer a poor excuse for my faulty spelling and other errors I also have made (and will no doubt continue to make), but to say that - like many of you - we don't have time to sit around and think about and then craft perfectly composed messages. Our errors are right out there for you to see. We hope you forgive us for this. We certainly understand how this happens to others; we overlook this in other's messages on CCBC-NET and other listservs. This medium is a "quick" one. Some of us have mastered some of the e-mail shorthand, punctuation and other emerging electronic communication conventions. Some of us have not. Some in the CBC-NET community share an e-mail address in their school or library and have a limited amount of time to open their e-mail, not to mention writing back. Please try not to worry about this. Subscribers to CCBC-NET are not part of this community to be critical of each other for those reasons. We share a concern for excellent literature for children and young teenagers, books that are excellent from a variety of perspectives for a variety of significant reasons. Even though we will continue to hold focused discussions, your comments do not have to be final drafts of laboriously written material. Be yourselves, and those wonderful selves from many parts of North America began to be shared more openly and in a more natural way than ever during August. Use the vocabulary most natural for you. Write from your unique perspective. Ask questions of each other if you do not understand or need clarification. We continue to learn from each other.
     I want to reiterate one thing from the messages I wrote on 8/30. We do not want to curb the flow of suggestions about CCBC-NET. Please write your suggestions for CCBC-NET to Megan, K.T. or me. Wonderful, specific suggestions were made during the August commentaries. We are taking these seriously, even though the outcome at this time does not seem to reflect this to some of you. Quite a few other suggestions were phoned, said or e-mailed to one of the three of us during August. We are thinking and talking about all of your suggestions. We will open up a group feedback time later this year. We hope you understand that we are trying to continue the 13-month "tradition" of CCBC-NET as a service that the CCBC can uniquely offer, something that other listservs do not offer, something that is an extension of what the CCBC is all about and offers in other ways, as well. We want to improve CCBC-NET. We will definitely announce discussion topics in advance. Additional apologies for not doing this on a consistent basis recently, and best wishes for good reading, stimulated thinking and exciting discussions during our forthcoming time together. Sincerely, Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Director, Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education
(Corner of N. Park & Observatory Drive) 4290 Helen C. White Hall, 600 N. Park St., University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI 53706 USA
Received on Sat 31 Aug 1996 10:49:00 AM CDT