CCBC-Net Archives

Some frequently asked questions about CCBC-NET

From: Chris Dowling <cdowling>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 09:16:04 -0500


Have you ever had any questions about how to access archives or send messages to CCBC-NET? If you haven't, disregard this message. Otherwise, below are a couple of questions about using CCBC-NET and attempts at answering them. I hope this Q&A is helpful, and I would be willing to supply more if you have more questions.

Regards, Chris

~~~~~ BEGIN

Q: How do you access CCBC-NET? A: To join the discussion, you only need to subscribe to the list. Messages will automatically be sent to your e-mail address. I assume you already subscribed, but if you haven't, send an e-mail message with the following header...

        To: listserv at
        Subject: sub ccbc-net firstname lastname

If you want to know what has been discussed, get an index of the archives by sending an e-mail message with the following header...

        To: listserv at
        Subject: index ccbc-net

The INDEX command will send you a list of all the archive files. These files are simply a list of each month's discussion. The files are named in
"month.year" format. So, the archive "06.1996" is last month's archive. To retrieve it, send an e-mail message with the following header...

        To: listserv at
        Subject: get ccbc-net 06.1996

Q: How do you send a message to CCBC-NET? A: To send a message to CCBC-NET and all its subscribers, send an e-mail message with the following header and write what you wish in the body.

        To: ccbc-net at

~~~~~ END
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chris Dowling 1025 W. Johnson Street Lab Manager Madison, WI 53706 School of Education Computer lab (608) 263C39--voice (608) 262d47-?X
Received on Tue 16 Jul 1996 09:16:04 AM CDT