CCBC-Net Archives

Harriet the Spy

Date: Tue, 09 Jul 1996 09:28:59 -0400 (EDT)

I don't think that __Harriet the Spy__ is an elitist book--I think it is a story of a family who are members of the elite class. In fact, if anything, the book is a satiric critique of the shallowness of the elite---look at Harriet's distance from her parents and Ole Golly falls in love with Mr. Waldenstein who is downwardly mobile (and very happy at that). I think the book's setting in an upper crust section of NYC actually gives it a romantic, sort of exotic appeal--it almost has to be set somewhere remote from most children, otherwise how could we imagine it happening?

Susan Griffith Lesley College Cambridge, Massachusetts
Received on Tue 09 Jul 1996 08:28:59 AM CDT