CCBC-Net Archives

Harriet - Read as an adult

From: Jane Botham <jbotham>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 15:09:21 -0500

Well, I'm one of those adults who read Harriet. It was the turning point for me. But, not for the points that Vigeurs makes, but because I was concerned that the parents were so ill defined. After many discussions and rereadings I realized that the characters were from Harriet's viewpoint and couldn't be anything else but! AND I didn't really care for Harriet; because of that it forced me to critically evaluate the book in a very different way. From that point on, I feel I became a better evaluator of children's books. It is not important whether you like the character or not. Now, these remarks, I trust tell you all what a very young librarian I was at the time! Ahem. Jane Botham, Milwaukee Public Library.
Received on Tue 02 Jul 1996 03:09:21 PM CDT