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Author Studies Conference in North Carolina, July 8 - 12, 1996

Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 09:56:54 EDT

I hope you don't mind me forwarding this news release to our members. I thought it might interest some of them (those not attending ALA!) Thank you.

Susan Golden email add: goldensl at Appalachian State University Boone NC 28608

---------- Forwarded message ---------To: GOLDENSL at Subject: ASWA

NEWS RELEASE April 3, 1996

        Children's book authors James Giblin, Paul Fleischman,
 and Gail E. Haley plus storytellers Jackie Torrence,
 Charlotte Ross and Ray and Orville Hicks will
 present at the second annual AUTHOR STUDIES WITH AUTHORS (ASWA)
 at Appalachian State University, July 8 to July 12, 1996.
        James Giblin will speak July 8 - 9 on his career as an author and editor. His topics include:
  "It all Starts with the Idea: Case History of
 a Nonfiction Book" and "Children's Books, 1996
: A View from the Editor's Desk".
 Paul Fleischman is scheduled for July 9 - 10
 and will speak on writing prose and poetry.
 His topics include: "Memoirs of a Mockingbird:
 Overview of a Writing Career" and "Many Voices:
 Enjoying and Writing Poetry with Children."
        Participants will be taken on a bus tour to the home and studio of Gail E. Haley, author
 and illustrator of Mountain Tales , Jack and the Bean Tree, and other Jack Tales. The tour will include the sites on the Blueridge Parkway
 which appear in her illustrations.
        As part of the week's events a Celebration
 of the Jack and Mutsmag Tales is planned.
 Appalachian State is located in the Boone,
 North Carolina, the home territory of the Jack tales.
  Tales about Mutsmag, the female counterpart of Jack, will be told by Charlotte Ross. Jackie Torrence, Ray and Orville Hicks, Charlotte Ross
 and Gail E. Haley will be the storytellers for this event.
        ASWA is offered for graduate credit in
 Reading and Library Science. For registration
 information write Wendy Ellis, Appalachian State University, Conferences and Institutes, Boone, NC 28608 or ELLISWB at CONRAD. APPSTATE.EDU. For academic credit or program information contact Alice Naylor,
Received on Mon 27 May 1996 08:56:54 AM CDT