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Biography and Autobiography -Reply

From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 09:06:00 -600

I agree with your comments about the Meet the Author series, Rob. I would add that I hope to see greater cultural diversity in terms of the authors & artists invited to write for that series in the future. Anyone else want to comment on this or any other series or single book written for children?

Easy autobiographical material about Kevin Henkes and Lois Ehlert? Look at Talking with Artists edited by Pat Cummings. Lois Ehlert is in Volume I, and Kevin Henkes is in Volume II. (See my message on 5/28.)

.. Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at

I have enjoyed the "Meet the Author series from Richard C. Owen Books. The writing is slight and aimed at the primary crowd, but the texts are written by the authors and illustrators themselves. The books in the series our library has are:

A Bookworm Who Hatched by Verna Aardema Best Wishes by Cynthia Rylant A Storyteller's Story by Rafe Martin Firetalking by Patricia Polacco A Letter from Phoenix Farm by Jane Yolen Hau Kola Hello Friend by Paul Goble Surprising Myself by Jean Fritz The Writing Bug by Lee Bennett Hopkins Playing with Words by James Howe

I like them the most for their wonderful, up-to?te color photos of the artists, their homes, family, pets and sometimes, librarians. Even though I find myself having to push this series to the library customers, I think they are worthwile, for if nothing else, showing kids that authors are regular people. Now, where's those editions of Kevin Henkes and Lois Ehlert?

Rob Reid Eau Claire, WI
Received on Wed 29 May 1996 10:06:00 AM CDT