CCBC-Net Archives

Biography & Autobiography

Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 10:11:00 -0400 (EDT)

Reaching WAY back to an out-of -print series, Self Portrait, Trina Schart Hyman
( Addison- Wesley, 1982) was wonderful to look at with Trina's Little Red Ridinghood. She names the friends whose faces appear in her illustrations making it possible for readers to recognize those folks in other volumes. Her description of learning to read is very powerful attached as it is to the story of Little Red... a story which most children know. I was always sorry that the series did not continue after the first three volumes as it had considerably more substance than the newer series mentioned by Rob.

Moving into the present, I take every opportunity to highlight Shonto Begay's Navajo: visions and voices across the mesa.(Scholadtic,1995) The two page introduction is a short powerful autobiographical statement and the poems and paintings continue to inform the reader in ways that traditional autobiography can not.

Ruth Heespelink Curriculum Resourses Libr. at Wheelock College, Boston, Ma.
Received on Wed 29 May 1996 09:11:00 AM CDT