CCBC-Net Archives

Biography & Autobiography

From: Anne C Oelke <acoelke>
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 19:25:06 -0500

As I read the discussion about bio/autobio. in the picture book level, I think we need to remember that there are different purposes for different publications. Certainly many of the new picture book biographies do not serve to provide lifetime in?pth information on the biographee. However, they do appeal to the much younger reader/listener. These youngsters are curious about names/people they hear about in school etc. They will gladly devour easy books on Martin Luther King, Jr., Helen Keller, JFK, etc. etc. Yet, they aren't able to read, understand, or develop the interest in longer, more complete works. I love the picture book or easy biographies since they fill that need. Many of these children then go on to the longer versions as they get a bit older. When these easy versions are coupled with great illustrations and an interesting writing style, the youngsters are hooked (just as they are with folktales, picture books, beginning readers etc. with the same qualities). When the youngster finds what he wants/needs, and likes it, I'm delighted.

Anne Oelke | "Some days are like that, acoelke at | even in Australia!" Cambria-Friesland School Dst. | Judith Viorst in _Alexander Cambria, WI | & the Terrible, Horrible,
                               | No Good, Very Bad Day_.
Received on Thu 30 May 1996 07:25:06 PM CDT