CCBC-Net Archives

Biography and Autobiography

From: Denise Zielinski <h-plumyp>
Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 14:11:50 -0400 (EDT)

I've been lurking for a while listening to the wonderful discussions. This time, though, I thought I might add a little.

The biographies and autobiographies being written for today are certainly better than they were, even 5 years ago. They are much better researched with good notes and bibliographies.

My one question to the group is: What about biographical fiction and fictionalized biography? Where does that belong in our libraries? On paper the distinction is easy. However, in reality, this can be harder to discern than one thinks. When you add CIP to the book and if your library has catalogers who depend on this to process their books, then you have real troubles. How do libraries deal with the issue without recataloging?

Denise Zielinski Head, Young People's Services Helen M. Plum Memorial Library 110 W. Maple Street Lombard, Illinois
(708) 62716 FAX: (708) 62736 e-mail: h-plumyp at
Received on Sun 05 May 1996 01:11:50 PM CDT