CCBC-Net Archives

CCBC Choices Day

From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 1996 12:28:00 -600

Just a reminder: CCBC Choices Day is Saturday, March 9, at the CCBC. These events are open to members of the Friends of the CCBC. Anyone may join the Friends right at the door that day.
     You may phone Middleton School Library Media District Coordinator and Friends Vice-President Kathy Tessmer for details about the morning and afternoon presentations and about the luncheon.
(Kathy's phone numbers = W: 608/82800 and H: 608/274c39)
     If you are able to be here in the morning or the afternoon, be sure to introduce yourself to Katy, Megan or me that day as a member of the CCBC-NET community. It'll be good to meet in person!
                                    Sincerely, Ginny
********************************************************************* Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison 4290 Helen C. White Hall (corner N. Park St. & Observatory Dr.) Phone: 608/263720 Fax: 608/262I33
Received on Mon 04 Mar 1996 12:28:00 PM CST