CCBC-Net Archives

New archive available, etc.

From: Chris Dowling <cdowling>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 16:18:07 -0600


Subscribers to CCBC-NET can now retrieve the February 1996 CCBC-NET archive. Send an e-mail message with the following header...

                To: listserv at
                Subject: get ccbc-net 02.1996


Description. When an e-mail message cannot be delivered, the message is bounced or returned to the listserver.

Mechanics. When the listserver receives bounced messages, it continues to attempt to deliver the message for three days. If it cannot deliver the message after three days, it sends the message and an undeliverable mail notice to the person in charge of managing the listserver, the listkeeper. Possible reasons for undeliverable mail include a broken link in the network between the listserver and the target mail server, an inactive or
"crashed" mail server, or user accounts that are so full of messages that there is no space for any more.

Practice. If a few undeliverable mail messages accumulate, they are usually ignored. The reason for this is that it isn't uncommon for mail servers to crash, network links to break, or users to collect mail messages and fill available disk space. When undeliverable mail notices accumulate for over a week's time, then the offending e-mail address is removed from the list. What this means is that a subscriber is removed from the list and does not know it. (Subscribers cannot be contacted, because the e-mail address is the only means of communication, and messages sent to this address are bounced.)

Those who have not received CCBC-NET messages in some time and have not unsubscribed, have probably been removed from the list and can take the following actions:

        1) Make sure that there is space in one's e-mail account by checking one's "disk quota" to see if any space is available or by simply deleting any unwanted messages.
        2) Try re-subscribing to the CCBC-NET. The CCBC-NET listserver will either accept the subscription, that would mean that one's e-mail address had been removed from the list, or the listserver would reply that one was already subscribed to the CCBC-NET.
        3) Ask the mail server administrator or "postmaster" if the mail server has been continuously operating and connected to the Internet or if there have been interruptions in service.

Please send me an e-mail message if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.

Cheers, Chris

"Traveler, there is no path; as you walk you make the path."
                                            -Antonio Machado

Chris Dowling 1025 W. Johnson Street Lab Manager Madison, WI 53706 School of Education Computer lab (608) 263C39
Received on Sat 02 Mar 1996 04:18:07 PM CST