CCBC-Net Archives

A Clarification

From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 15:16:00 -600

This morning the CCBC-NET community received a request for reviews of a book for the purposes of responding to a book challenge.
      Perhaps some of you have responded individually to this request. CCBC Librarian Megan Schliesman has responded directly to the person sending that message. If the person who sent the message is a Wisconsin resident, she will be within the scope of a CCBC information service for Wisconsin teachers and librarians undergoing book challenges. We are waiting for her to write to us soon at the other e-mail address or phone us at the number Megan gave her. If she is not a Wisconsin resident, we will immediately direct her to resources that will be of substantial help to her. We will not leave her out on the proverbial limb.
     However, we want to assure everyone that this is not the emphasis of the CCBC-NET discussion forum to which you are currently subscribed. Anyone needing other kinds of information from the CCBC is always welcome to write to me (gmkruse at, Kathleen Horning or Megan Schliesman or to the CCBC e-mail address
(ccbcinfo at
     Meanwhile - on CCBC-NET, let's continue our discussion of the 1996 Newbery Medal winner and honor books. As Katy Horning implied earlier this week, perhaps you feel "talked out" about The Midwife's Apprentice after the CCBC-NET discussion of it during November. She reminded you how to gain access to those archived comments. Someone made a good comment this week about The Watsons Go To Birmingham 1963. If you've read this novel, consider about how different it would be if Curtis had set his story during 1962 or 1964. Going beyond this actual tragedy of 1963 (when a Birmingham church was fire-bombed and children were killed), what else was Curtis able to devlop because of choosing 1963 for the time of his first published novel?
     And what about the other honor books? What do you think about Yolonda's Genius? What Jamie Saw? The Great Fire? and The Watsons...? Let's talk! ...Ginny
***************************************************************** Ginny Moore Kruse (gmrkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison FAX: 608&2I33
Received on Thu 15 Feb 1996 03:16:00 PM CST