CCBC-Net Archives


From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 16:21:00 -600

Hi, Joan! Has anyone contacted you, yet? My CCBC-NET approach is to wait, in the hope that someone out there will come to your assistance, because we're not trying to set ourselves up as a reference desk to the world! I know you understand. But if you don't get anything sent directly to you or if what is sent is not helpful, let me know in another week, and I'll try to get on the trail myself. (I'm so glad you're part of CCBC-NET!) Cheers from frigid white bright snowy Madison, Ginny

Hi ccbc-net folks!

One of our school librarians is looking for suggestions for current materials on teenage problems in areas common to all-- alcoholism, gangs, pregnancy etc. She wants to be able to refer these materials to students. Could we start an online list of recommendations? Does anyone know of any current bibliographies on these topics? Is it okay to compile such a list on CCBC-net?

Thanks for your help in this long snowy (but beautiful) winter.

Joan Airoldi

  on Mifflin,


afternoon Hillel by
Received on Tue 30 Jan 1996 04:21:00 PM CST