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Please send me information on how to become a Friend of the CCBC.
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From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 13:17:00 -600
Hello, Dr. Criscoe,
It's good to hear from you!
The Friends of the CCBC is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization of approx. 650 members across the U.S. Midwest and the nation.
Annual memberships in the Friends of the CCBC begin at $15.00. There is no difference in membership benefits, regardless of the amount one pays.
Each member receives a quarterly newsletter, a copy of the quarterly The CCBC This Season, a complimentary copy of CCBC CHOICES
(mid-March annually), a membership gift (possibly S. Creech's or another fine author/speaker's limited ed. published speech), for nearby folks: invitations to receptions, access to used book sales, etc.
To join, send a check payable/addressed to: Friends of the CCBC, Box 5288, Madison, WI 53705.
I'll be delighted to send you a Friends of the CCBC membership flyer along with other information, if you want to give me your address for U.S. mail.
Meanwhile, I'm also interested any comments you want to make me concerning CCBC-NET. My indvidual CCBC-NET e-mail address
(gmkruse at will bring your message to me but not to all CCBC-NET subscribers.
Ginny Moore Kruse, CCBC Director
Please send me information on how to become a Friend of the CCBC. Send info to
fcriscob at (Dr. Betty Criscoe)
Received on Tue 31 Oct 1995 01:17:00 PM CST
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 13:17:00 -600
Hello, Dr. Criscoe,
It's good to hear from you!
The Friends of the CCBC is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization of approx. 650 members across the U.S. Midwest and the nation.
Annual memberships in the Friends of the CCBC begin at $15.00. There is no difference in membership benefits, regardless of the amount one pays.
Each member receives a quarterly newsletter, a copy of the quarterly The CCBC This Season, a complimentary copy of CCBC CHOICES
(mid-March annually), a membership gift (possibly S. Creech's or another fine author/speaker's limited ed. published speech), for nearby folks: invitations to receptions, access to used book sales, etc.
To join, send a check payable/addressed to: Friends of the CCBC, Box 5288, Madison, WI 53705.
I'll be delighted to send you a Friends of the CCBC membership flyer along with other information, if you want to give me your address for U.S. mail.
Meanwhile, I'm also interested any comments you want to make me concerning CCBC-NET. My indvidual CCBC-NET e-mail address
(gmkruse at will bring your message to me but not to all CCBC-NET subscribers.
Ginny Moore Kruse, CCBC Director
Please send me information on how to become a Friend of the CCBC. Send info to
fcriscob at (Dr. Betty Criscoe)
Received on Tue 31 Oct 1995 01:17:00 PM CST