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Trustworthy characters in CHANGEOVER

From: Gibson, Robin <rgibson>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 95 15:54:28 CST

Kathleen, Nina, and everyone- I agree that the Carlisle family seems much more trustworthy than the medical community in _The Changeover_. After all, the medical community has never been very sympathetic to witchcraft (or even things like midwifery . . . ). They do seem trustworthy to Laura, but at the time I think I had in mind their relationship with Sorry (the whole parent/child relationship thing). In Sorry's position, I think I would find it very hard to trust *anyone*, much less the people who didn't want me and gave me away. Who continued to acknowledge they he wasn't wanted at the time he was born (though they did admit that this was a mistake on their part). Interesting role reversal, isn't it? Ususally (not rightly) but ususally in Western and Chinese societies, male children are desired and wanted -- not unwanted! In helping Laura, I think Miryam and Winter finally gain Sorry's trust.

There seems to be a common theme in both of these Mahy books (and also in Walk Two Moons)--that of parents leaving and the results of dealing and living with that (Sal/Chanhassen, Phoebe/Mrs. Winterbottom, Sorry/Miryam, Laura/her father, Barney/his mother).

Nina -- I loved this comment "I think the admission that parents can have their own reasons for doing things is wonderful here. Laura's decision is one that takes into account not only an understanding of herself, but an understanding of the adults in parent-roles around her -- an understanding of them as individuals apart from her." Indeed, Laura is forced on this road to understanding by her mother's new relationship with Chris. And at the very end of the book, when Laura invites Sorry to Thursday night dinner, Kate is also forced to recognize that her daughter is growing up--that they are both individuals.

Thanks for your comments--I'm enjoying our discussion.

Received on Tue 22 Aug 1995 04:54:28 PM CDT