CCBC-Net Archives

Checking Back

From: Ginny Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 17:21:00 -600

I notice that quite a few of you are new participants in the CCBC-NET community. Welcome, once again! If you subscribed to CCBC-NET recently, I encourage you to look at the index of archived files and consider retrieving earlier CCBC-NET files. For example, perhaps you missed the July comments about Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech. Author Sharon Creech was a guest commentator during much of that discussion. I think you'll find that discussion to be lively and worthwhile. Directions for doing this are repeated below. Enjoy!

To retrieve a file from the archives:

To request an index of archived files, send this message: To: listserv at Subject: index ccbc-net

To retrieve a specific archived file, send this message: To: listserv at Subject: get ccbc-net
************************************************************* Ginny Moore Kruse, CCBC-NET Moderator Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison My CCBC-NET email address: gmkruse at
Received on Mon 28 Aug 1995 06:21:00 PM CDT