CCBC-Net Archives

Walk Two Moons: Week Two

From: Kathleen Horning <horning>
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 1995 18:43:00 -600

Thanks for all your good, insightful comments in the past week about
"Walk Two Moons." We can continue to talk about the ending and second readings in the days to come. But I'd also like you to think about and comment on the characters in the book. With my recent rereading, the character who's been haunting me lately is Mrs. Winterbottom. It's been interesting to think about her in contrast to Sal's mother. I've been thinking about the importance of the characters' names. Why do you think Mrs. Cadaver has the name she has? I can't figure that one out and would love to hear what others think. A fourth member of the Newbery Committee, JoAnne Foss, has just subscribed to CCBC-Net. JoAnne is a librarian at the Lancaster County Library in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Welcome, JoAnne!
Received on Fri 07 Jul 1995 07:43:00 PM CDT