CCBC-Net Archives

Time and time again and again

From: Nina Lindsay <nlindsay>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 11:44:00 -600

After reading Perry, Sharon, and Katy's recent comments: Thanks, Perry, for the detailed explanation of "dehistorization" in fiction. I think it's a very important issue, and I do think that it's valid to look at it in fiction. Unlike Sharon, I do "buy into" the "we're all brainwashed and we don't even know it" idea (just think about any falsity that was once believed to be "true history"
-- Columbus discovering America, for example, or Nazi propoganda). However, I still side with Sharon and Katy that applying this sort of deconstruction to Walk Two Moons is beside the point. Maybe it's a
"gender thing", although I hesitate to generalize in that direction
(I do think that there may be "male" and "female" readings going on, but I'd guess that these types of readings won't divide neatly between boys and girls). For anyone who wants to examine the way in which time period affects the ideas in WTM, the clues are there: views towards adoption, details of family life, ... publication date!
 Clues are also there in terms of social/racial/class background.

I'm looking forward to reading more about Perry's ideas as they relate to trends in fiction, or bodies of work. I think it's facsinating!

Nina Lindsay Student--School of Lib. & Info. Studies UW Madison nlindsay at
Received on Fri 28 Jul 1995 12:44:00 PM CDT