CCBC-Net Archives

Walk Two Moons

From: schi2952 at <schi2952>
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 1995 20:11:54 CST

I am a media specialist in an elementary school in Fort Atkinson. I read Walk Two Moons several weeks ago. I thought it was a very good book. I too feel that the ending was a surprise, yet I knew there had to be some good reason for Sal's mother not to come back. The author certainly did an excellent job of portraying Sal and making her situation very believable.

I am looking forward to reading further comments on WTM.

I would also recommend another excellent book, Phoenix Rising, by Karen Hesse. This is another book were the author lets the reader get into the main character and being able to feel the character's pain and emotions.

Phyllis Schicker Purdy Elementary School Fort Atkinson, WI
Received on Wed 05 Jul 1995 09:11:54 PM CDT