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WTM's setting
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From: chichild at <chichild>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 14:22:20 -0700
I'm responding to Perry Nodelman's question re: WTM's time setting. I would place it as contemporary, and I am glad it doesn't mention things like TV or popular music which can instantly date a contemporary setting.
I feel it is contemporary because of the Winterbottom's dietary concerns
(low fat, high fiber, etc.) and because of the stop in Madison, WI. As a UW alumna (with that intense love of the school and its setting that so many loyal Badgers have...), I too was struck by how well the "spirit" of the city was captured. But with my need for accuracy, I remember talking to KT about this last winter, and asking about the "Steep and Brew" where Sal, Gram and Gramps stop for a snack. I've had many a meal in "Ella's Deli" but did not know the other place. KT informed me that it is an actual coffe house, the caffeine frenzy having spread to the Midwest from the West Coast. It was not there when I was a student, so this book cannot be set before 1977!
(Even those most contmporary of books, the Babysitter Club series, does not mention much, if any, TV viewing. It is fine with me that this, and references to popular fast food chains, are left out of lots of contemporary children's literature).
Actually, another clue to a current time is the adopted son's search for his birth mother. This is certainly an issue today!
Carla Kozak chichild at
Received on Mon 17 Jul 1995 04:22:20 PM CDT
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 14:22:20 -0700
I'm responding to Perry Nodelman's question re: WTM's time setting. I would place it as contemporary, and I am glad it doesn't mention things like TV or popular music which can instantly date a contemporary setting.
I feel it is contemporary because of the Winterbottom's dietary concerns
(low fat, high fiber, etc.) and because of the stop in Madison, WI. As a UW alumna (with that intense love of the school and its setting that so many loyal Badgers have...), I too was struck by how well the "spirit" of the city was captured. But with my need for accuracy, I remember talking to KT about this last winter, and asking about the "Steep and Brew" where Sal, Gram and Gramps stop for a snack. I've had many a meal in "Ella's Deli" but did not know the other place. KT informed me that it is an actual coffe house, the caffeine frenzy having spread to the Midwest from the West Coast. It was not there when I was a student, so this book cannot be set before 1977!
(Even those most contmporary of books, the Babysitter Club series, does not mention much, if any, TV viewing. It is fine with me that this, and references to popular fast food chains, are left out of lots of contemporary children's literature).
Actually, another clue to a current time is the adopted son's search for his birth mother. This is certainly an issue today!
Carla Kozak chichild at
Received on Mon 17 Jul 1995 04:22:20 PM CDT