CCBC-Net Archives


From: Cathy Retzer <medforcr>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 1995 15:41:33 -0500 (CDT)

Hello, All on CCBC-NET! My name is Cathy Retzer. I am a library media specialist at Medford Area Elementary School, Medford, Wisconsin. I was introduced to the CCBC while a grad student at UW-Madison ten years ago. Today I am a member of the Friends of the CCBC and am presently serving on the CCBC Library Advisory Board, which is great because I am assured of getting to Madison and the CCBC at least twice a year. I found out about CCBC-NET at the Spring WEMA Conference and am delighted the it is up and running. Hopefully those of us in Wisconsin will get a taste of the discussion group before the rest of the world discovers it and finds out about one of Wisconsin's precious treasures! Cathy Retzer Medford Elementary School Medford, WI medforcr at
Received on Mon 19 Jun 1995 03:41:33 PM CDT